Hunting News
Last year
- MN Daily Update: Examining fishing license sales so far this yearMinnesota fishing license sales through the Monday after opening weekend are up from 2023. Here are the details. The post MN Daily Update: Examining fishing lic...
- Illinois native Matthew Hunsaker returns home as district wildlife biologistHudson, Ill., native Matthew Hunsaker has returned to his home state to continue his career in natural resource conservation. Hunsaker joined Illinois DNR in la...
- Chesapeake Bay making progress on pollution goalsThe Chesapeake Bay Program announced new results in early May, derived from its watershed model, that estimate jurisdictions in the Chesapeake Bay watershed hav...
- New Pennsylvania Game Commission leader, Stephen Smith, reaffirms agency’s directionStephen Smith, the new executive director of the Pennsylvania Game Commission, was an attorney in private practice when Pennsylvania’s so-called deer wars ins...
- Dam removal, repairs benefitting brook trout nearly complete on Michigan’s Boardman RiverA 15-year, $27 million Boardman Ottaway River Reborn project that removed three dams south of Traverse City has been a boon for brook trout, and plans for a fou...
- WI Daily Update: Rare plant rediscovered in state for first time in more than 100 yearsA Wisconsin DNR volunteer rediscovered a rare plant not seen in the Badger state for more than 100 years. Here are the details. The post WI Daily Update: Rare p...
- Northern Minnesota’s ‘Pit lakes’ offer a special variety of fishingFor generations, companies extracted iron ore from northern Minnesota pits, sending it out to build a nation. When mining had largely ended in the latter half o...
- Discarded fishing line often proves fatal for birdsPennsylvania Game Warden Mike Yeck gets about a dozen calls a year regarding waterfowl with fishing line entangling their feet. Sometimes it’s multiple calls ...
- Important steps are required to land in Illinois’ fishing record bookOnce in a blue moon, the fish at the end of the line of a long-fought battle is a personal best – and just may be a contender for a state record. Remarkably, ...
- Gretchen Steele: Bowfishing a great outdoor sport, and a conservation toolFew outdoor sports activities evoke the raw thrill of bowfishing. It’s an unique blend of archery prowess and angler finesse, where enthusiasts aim not for tr...
- Michigan legislation would provide free hunting, fishing licenses to first responders and corrections officersAn Upper Peninsula lawmaker and many colleagues in the Michigan House want to offer free hunting and fishing licenses to first responders and corrections office...
- Looking for less congestion on Minnesota waters? Tips for finding walleyes without the crowdHunters and anglers often speak in absolutes. All of the deer are nocturnal. The toms are all henned up. The walleyes are never shallow this time of year. While...
- Whitefish, an important native food source from the Great Lakes, facing challengesThe Great Lakes of today are not the pristine waters of 300 years ago. Dams, industry, and the introduction of invasive species have forever altered the ecology...
- Hope growing that Pennsylvania’s state tree, the Eastern hemlock, can beat invasive adelgidsThe fight is far from over, but scientists are increasingly optimistic that once-ubiquitous Eastern hemlock trees might, with help, bounce back from a 50-year a...
- Black flies and brook trout create great adventures in the Adirondack backcountryThe first mile-and-a-half into the pond ended at the hardly discernible site of an old lumber camp. I knew there had been a lumber camp there 60 years earlier b...