Whitetail fawning season means deer are on the move, public reminded to leave fawns alone

Published: , in Outdoor News

Fawning season in Iowa and most states in the Midwest traditionally begins during the last week of May, and peaks in the first couple of weeks of June before gradually tapering off. The Iowa DNR reminds the public that with fawning season comes deer are on the move.
Does are secretive about the birthing process and will venture out from normal use areas looking for a secluded spot to deliver this year’s crop of fawns in peace, said Jim Coffey, forest wildlife research biologist with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR). “This seclusion process is a driving force in protection for the lanky, wavering fawn. Fawns will be left alone while the doe returns only to nurse. This is normal deer behavior,” he said.

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