Speak their language: Know these buck vocalizations in the whitetail world
In my early years of hunting whitetails, I would never go afield without a grunt call. And during every minute of my hunt, that small plastic tube would burn a hole in my pocket, begging to be used.
I could typically resist until what I felt was the right moment, but when boredom set in, all bets were off. While trying to “make my own luck,” I would throw out every kind of vocalization imaginable with the thoughts of a giant buck on the next ridge over beelining to calls. However, this was never the case.
It took far too long for my childish mind to understand that there’s more to calling in whitetail bucks than simply blowing on a grunt tube and hoping for the best.
The post Speak their language: Know these buck vocalizations in the whitetail world appeared first on Outdoor News.